Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"Sometimes we put up walls not to keep people out, but to see who cares enuff to knock them down..."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What is sacrifice to you?

Selamat Hari Raya Korban, Maaf Zahir & Batin :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Beloved Diri Sendiri..

Please do not say mean things you'll regret later in the future...

Instead, say what you really mean, "Thank You for being there for me sayang, it means a lot. Thank You" :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I've been tagged by Belle.

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
You :P

2. What were you doing 1 hour ago?
Working Yo!

3. What was the last thing you said out loud?
Beri laluan, beri laluan :P

4. Where's the next place you're going to go?

5. what was the last thing you paid for?
Nasi ayam

6. Where were you last night?
angkasa lepas

7. What's the best ice cream flavour?

8. Do you want to cut your hair?
Nope, rambut gugur banyak, how eh?

9. Do you love to melatah?

10. If that so, what will you say out loud?
You, doing that thing you do :P

11. what does the last text message you received say?
Thank you.

12.Will you get married in the future?

13.Do you chew on your straw?
Yep. unfortunately

14.Do you make up your own words?

15. is there anyone you like/love right now?
Yes there is, eh? :P

The End.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Musim Raya, Semua harga naik, Serunding Makcik pon naik juga :P These are the new prices for the Serundings.

1 kg Daging = RM 50

1 kg Ayam = RM 55

1 kg Ikan = RM 45

 Here, I'd like to say thank you for those yang support me and still buying these serundings up until now, you've got no idea how much I heart you guys, Tuhan saja yang boleh balas (: yang tak beli pon I love you too, don't worry :P

PM me if you'd like to have a taste of it. :P thank you (:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lyfe is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans

Everyone's getting married nowadays. Blergh. Almost every week you'll get wedding invitations. but sadly to say, as much as everyone is getting married today, we are still receiving news on pergaduhan, perbalahan, perpisahan and even perceraian. Personally, I think you don't get to know your spouse that well before you do get married, it doesn't mean that you need to bercinta years and years just by getting to know him or her well enough and having the same mission for future together. I've read something on this before and would like to share it with you guys (:

Taaruf adalah mendalami atau mengenali pasangan anda sebelum melangsungkan perkahwinan adalah sangat penting. to avoid disappointment in the future, these are 10 questions you'd probably want to ask your companion before you do get married.

1. Apakah wawasan hidupnya?
Everyone has a dream. untuk elakkan dan kurangkan pergaduhan dalam perkahwinan, you'd probably want to have the same dream so that you two akan bersatu hati untuk mengejar impian tersebut, no matter what.

2. Bagaimanakah kefahamannya mengenai konsep perkahwinan?
This probably would be the crucial question of all because hye if he's only marrying you because of the sex and you'd probably want someone to take care of you forever, so what happens when you're old and ugly and not attractive at all?

3. Apakah sifat sifat yang digemari dan tidak digemarinya?
You really do not need to have the same likes and dislikes, having someone who understands you in and out should be no problem. well, at least ask him or her because you don't want to hurt them, do you?

4. Apakah pandangannya mengenai anak pada tahun pertama perkahwinan?
some people would love to have kids pada tahun pertama perkahwinan, and some have the idea of spending more time together - honeymoon.

5. Adakah dia mempunyai masalah kesihatan atau kecacatan?
sembunyikan masalah kesihatan atau kecacatan yang kronik daripada pasangan anda boleh dianggap penipuan. and you don't want to lie to your loved ones, do you?

6. Adakah dia seorang yang suka bergaul?
some people are very friendly and there are people who likes to sit alone by her or himself. so which one do you prefer? :P

7. Bagaimana hubungan dengan ahli keluarganya?
perkahwinan bukan sahaja menyatukan dua jiwa, ia juga merupakan percantuman dua keluarga.

8. Apakah kegemaran dan bagaimanakah dia mengisi masa lapangnya?
these would probably reflect their wawasan dalam kehidupan (:

9. Adakah dia aktif dalam mana mana pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGOs) atau badan badan kebajikan?
this probably important because it reflects diri pasangan anda terhadap masyarakat nusa dan bangsa.

10. Apakah pandangannya sekiranya ibu bapa masuk campur dalam urusan rumah tangga?
some people suka dan some people tidak suka. hal ini sangat penting sebelum memasuki alam rumah tangga. yang penting sama sama belajar dan sama sama perbaiki diri.

okie dokie that's all. apa apa pon jodoh ditangan tuhan, kita mampu berdoa dan berusaha ke arah nya (:

source: iluvislam.com

Thursday, November 4, 2010