Saturday, December 11, 2010


I work part time as an enumerator and one of the question I have to ask goes something like this, in your everyday's life, do you and your husband talked about your everyday's life, your worries and his worries, your happiness and his happiness?

And each time everyone answered yes to all above, a tiny feeling appeared and I guess it was jealousy.

Yes, one fine day I hope to share my everyday's life with that special someone, my worries, his worries, my happiness and his happiness, and yes I won't get bored with your stories, and I hope you won't get bored too with mine.

oh! one fine day, InsyaAllah :)


Big Chocosis said...

yup hid!one fine day insyaallah..

btw, miss u!

dream_catcher said...

ameen :)

miss you tooo eban, glucks xm :)

Big Chocosis said...
