just in case you're happen to be:
Orang yang hendak kawen and looking for pinggan mangkuk, orang yang baru kawen yang maseh mencari pinggan mangkuk, orang yang dh lama kawen yang nak ganti pinggan mangkuk, orang yang belum kawen seperti saya (cewah) tapi suka simpan pinggan mangkuk.or you could b orang yang suka baling baling pinggan mangkuk (kidding).
it could be a present worth buying for your mum, kawan kawan, adik beradik, cikgu, buah hati or even others.
lelaki perempuan pon tak kisah nowadays pon suma suma orang beli pinggan mangkuk for oh! so many reasons.
datang jauh dari Aussie - negara down under and wayyyyyyy more cheaper from here, you name it!
If you find 16 pcs tuh wayyyyyy too many, boleh beli loose, no worries ;)
Chip resistant, light weight, stackable, versatile, microwave and dishwasher safe.
Like it?
Any inquiries?
please do leave comments or email me or contact me for prices.
I'm just helping a friend in need.
So Corelle anyone?
Thanks for dropping by ;)
*lawa kan? lawa kan?*
click onto the pictures and copy paste the link to me and let me know which one is your fave ;)
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
1 day ago
hid, i love all of it! murah x kat sane?
murah murah ! anin berminat? hihi ;)
murah around how much?
nnti hid tanya orang yang incharge eh.jp eh ;)
opps the muffin cups & pans looks yummyyy...oh noooooo ;p
hahahaha...fana beli satu cubaa ;)
hihi ohh nooooo ;)
anin, everyone, yang set 16 pieces tuh rm400 ;)
btw boleh beli loose if takmo 16pcs ;)
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