Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Early this morning, I'm baking cake and would like to give a piece to everyone


Me and a friend supposed to be going out jogging this morning but she rather picked sleeping outta jogging. So here I am. blogging. blergh.


Here are few things I'd like to say to everyone, let the pictures do the talking:

To my beloved Mummy,

To my Family,

To my friends,

To a stranger,

To any blogs that I stalk,

To Anonymous,

To my silent readers,

To myself,

To my followers yang ramai tak ramai sangat tu and commenters,

PS I've added a poll down there, feel free to answer some questions, just wanna know whether you're a girl or a boy. thank you ;)

images credits:, and a lovely blog that inspired me.


f@nna said...

hidd! hid ni best la hahahaha..lepas ni f@nna timbang memang ingat kat hid hikhik

dream_catcher said...

hihihihihi. tq jugak bc blog hid, kalau xde korang,xdelah idea hid nk tules hari2.

every1's beautiful inside out, Fana ;)

dream_catcher said...

ok! Asia/Pacific ni region mana plak? gagagagaga