It has been raining these past few days. makes you wanna curl up in bed, cuppa tea/coffee, good books, talking on the phone, dreaming, doze off. macam tahu tahu je. have you tried crying in the rain before? try it some times, obviously you cannot tell whether you're sad or happy. cuaca cuaca begini makes me miss something:
1. My dear Best Friend - Well, she's married now and I'm not eligible anymore to call her up 4am in the morning. Soon, InsyaAllah I will see her. Yay! you are dearly missed.
2. Arwah Shumumu - If only he's here. Only God knows why.
3. Holly Ramadhan - Rindu sangat. Harap harap dapat bertemu dengan Ramadhan akan datang, InsyaAllah.
I luf the rain. I always do. and I donno exactly why. But I know, half of the world dislike it. What about the poor who doesn't have shelter to live in, what about the animal out there? Well, doesn't matter, Hujan itu Rahmat.
I had fun today. did some girls' day out with the mummy and sister. I didn't know we had a lot in common on shopping dear sis. We should do this more often then. What about you guys? Have fun today? Hepi weekend aye, mine's getting pretty fast. haih.

Image credits: http://weheartit.com/